Sunday, April 29, 2007

When life gives you lemons....

The proper response to the title is "suck on it!"

Here's a letter I sent to a friend about being dumped and broken hearted:

Check out this link:

This guys says it pretty well. He's talking about something I used to think about a long time ago. I used to think that if life was all even keeled and not eventful, you wouldn't understand or appreciate life's peaks, the joys and celebrations. Pleasure and pain are 2 sides of the same coin.

You don't understand joy without understanding pain. If you're in a part of your life cycle that seems kinda empty, but it's not a definition of who and what you are, it's just an indication of where you are in this particular part of your life.

Experiences with betrayal will teach you to never treat someone else that way and to appreciate someone that doesn't shit on you.

There's something appealing to someone that lives life on the extremes, people that are either deliriously happy or miserable. After you've been with someone like this and moved on, you look back and remember the highs or the lows. They seem exciting. They seem inviting. You're looking through the lens of time and at tiny narrow snapshots of what happened. If you try looking at the broad view of your life, see if pleasure and pain don't tend to balance out overall.

You're never lonely when you have yourself. You have to look at the circumstance of your life at any particular time, and figure out what resources you have and how to employ them to make the most out of what you have. When you have time, do something you've always wanted to do. Write, do some kind of craft, or work out. Go fly fishing. Paint pictures. Use time to your pleasure and advantage. Make it the best you can. That's also the best way to attract someone else into your life, if it's rich with interesting things.

If you think you're looking around and seeing only couples, but that's statistically not correct. There are a lot of single people in each age group. The percentage of single people surpassed married people in the US population just recently.

It's not true that "all the good ones are taken". That's a bunch of shit. Most of those people out there that are in relationships have got at least one major problem with it. Maybe they have a raft of little problems. You have to believe and understand that there are many people out there that are in relationships that are not exactly thrilled with them. They fight, or disagree, or just have different interests. They feel constrained by what the other person is or is doing. Many of them weigh the pros and cons and decide to stick it out. Single people, on the other hand, have only got themselves. So if they're not happy, guess who is to blame and guess who can fix it? The easy thing about being single is that no one is holding you back if there's something you want to be spending time doing.

I recommend that everyone try to enjoy your time in life because you might not have that much more, and even if you do, you'll wake up one day and you'll be 80 and you'll go "where did all my time go?" So make the most of it.

That's my advice.

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