Sunday, April 29, 2007


I find myself checking out the NASA/JPL sites on the Cassini mission. This mission has really captured my imagination.

One of my favorite little tidbits is a video of the Cassini probe's orbit. It's called a petal plot and if you look at it at this site, you'll see why:

When I was a kid, I read Arthur C. Clark's Imperial Earth, where the main characters lived on Titan. I've never forgotten it.

The pictures of the lakes on Titan are quite inspiring.

There was a nice story in last month's Analog magazine about a future explorer that has to crash land on Titan and uses the supply module that he was supposed to deliver to juryrig his own rescue. He had a symbiotic intelligent computer entity living inside of him, too, which was a very interesting idea.

That's all for now, but I think I may beef this post up more later.

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