Sunday, April 29, 2007

Another Election Cycle

Biden was just putting out his talking points this morning and it occurred to me again, as it does for each election, that what we really need is a blend of the primary candidates.

I remember watching a debate with Sharpton in it, years ago, and thinking "OK, he's completely unelectable, but I like that feistiness, that speak truth to power element".

I like Obama's freshness and his idealism, I like Hillary's compassion, I like Edwards' earnestness, and I like Biden's "enough of this bullshit"-ness. On the Republican side, I like McCain's straight talk and Giuliani's can do attitude and Romney's energy.

But I don't like any of them enough to vote for them. I always feel like we only get the candidates that get some rich interest's seal of approval (money) before they even get to a ballot where I can choose from them. Why didn't Kurt Vonnegut ever run for President?

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