Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bush visits our Burg

Letter the day before Bush visited our town:

I wonder if he'll fly over in a helicopter and say "Oh no, Riggy! Riggy! What have they done to you?" (Daily Show reference to a Bush flyby of a damaged Oil Rig after Katrina/Rita.)

He's got a health care initiative he sprang out a couple of days ago. I heard something about it last night on the way home on NPR. It involves taxing people's health benefits as income to encourage them to drop employer provided health care and buy it themselves, then give them a tax break for that. It sounded like someone took a corporate wish list, a campaign promise, and 2 tabs of acid and started writing policy.

I think Bush is starting to be more worried about his legacy. Right now he has a pretty good chance of going down in history as the dumbest President ever, but he needs to pad the score to be sure of this illustrious title.

Makes you wish for the good old days where the only thing wrong with the President was that he got a little randy around the interns. And Congress tried to impeach him for that! This President should wear one of those old-fashioned man-sized billboard placards that says, "I'm an Idiot!" on the front and "Impeach me!" on the back.

Brother can you spare a brain?

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