Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Sinister Side of American's Boy Scout Ranger

I've always read the comic strip Mark Trail.

I'm not saying it's a high quality endeavor, and I'm not recommending it, I'm just saying it's funny because he tends to recycle plots and you can almost predict what's going to happen next.

My little brother used to be amused because I would deadpan very serious reports of what was going on with Mark, as if he was a real person of universal interest and appeal, meriting all of our respect and adoration. For some reason, he acted as if he rarely picked up on the irony of my little reports, which is what made them fun.

Now Mark has taken a serious turn to the dark side. It appears that Rusty, the orphaned son of an abusive alcoholic father that Mark adopted, has become stuck under their broken down station wagon (from 1973) on the beach with the tide coming in. That little dumbshit dog of Rusty's, named (appropriately) Sassy (or maybe it should be Sissy), managed to knock the massive station wagon off the jack, break the jack, trap Rusty, and not get squished himself. There is no justice in cartoon land.

With the tide coming in, Mark is racing against time to free Rusty and failing. This is a dark and disturbing storyline for the Mark Trail strip, especially with Christmas right around the corner.

Not interested in keeping things dark and dismal, he makes them more frustrating and forlorn when Mark breaks into a nearby building to get a jack to jack the station wagon off his poor soon to drown formerly abused adopted son. While breaking in, and promising out loud to come back and make the break-in right, the owner sneaks up on Mark and knocks him out with a massive cartoon wrench. Rusty is truly screwed, now. Sassy will probably run around in circles and yap annoyingly while Rusty desperately struggles to keep his mouth above water.

The strip at this time is moving toward a Cool Hand Luke kind of vibe where the hard core Sheriff can't wait to abuse Mark in prison. You just know that they will not believe Mark when he desperately tells them that his abused adopted son is going to die a horrible death, thus justifying his criminal endeavors.

How will it all turn out? That's easy, Mark, Rusty, Cherry, and Doc will be sitting around the cabin with happy smiles on their faces, eating a big Christmas turkey and shrugging off the intense danger they have just been in. No Post Traumatic Shock Disorders allowed! I would like to step in at this point and ghost write for them. I'm thinking that the dark and sinister vane could very well continue into the new year and beyond. Bwwwaaa Haaa Haaa!

Merry Christmas Mark Trail.

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