Monday, August 31, 2009

War of Gifts

I sometimes bookmark ideas that I'd like to write about on my blog, saving the post but not publishing it, waiting for the time to spend to write the piece.

I'm sitting down to write this in December, but I bookmarked it at the end of August.

This is a book review of A War of Gifts, which is another book backfilling the Ender's Game series.

In this book, the story details a sideline of the time that Ender was in Battle School. It focuses on a child that was the son of a religious zeolot. He was in brought to the school, but wasn't part of the group. He refused to fight or make friends.

The boys start giving each other gifts in conjunction with Christmas. The gifts are forbidden, and the children get in trouble when the new son of a zealot rats them out.

I don't remember what I was thinking at the time I finished reading this story, but now it strikes me as unremarkable story. What would happen if religious views were surpressed? I'm not sure I remember how they reacted themselves.

It was in the Ender's Game series, so if you read them and liked them, it's more of the story, backfilling in the time of Battle School.

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