Monday, September 29, 2008


My wife subscribed to Netflix.

We tried it once before and didn't really like it, but we're trying it again.

Since you get a better deal by watching more movies, I didn't want to be limited by making decisions each time we returned some movies. I started filling up the queue and realized that Netflix has many older movies and TV series than you find in a Blockbuster store.

I believe that good TV shows that get popular have the strongest following of people that have watched the series from the beginning. I speculated that pilots are probably the best a series ever is, the first season is probably the best of the seasons of a series. Why not go back and see some of the TV Series that I suspected that I would like, but never got into the first run.

In particular, the remake of Battlestar Galactica sounded like something I would like. I watched a few minutes of the series when flipping channels around, but it didn't make any sense to me. So I rented it and watched the pilot last week.

I like the story much better now.


The background of the story makes it much more interesting. The Cylons had already had a war with the humans and lost 40 years before. The Galactica was due to be retired and decommissioned. They used the same setup from the original series, but explained it as the fact that no computers could be networked because the Cylons could co-opt networked computers.

The Cylons hack the 12 colony's computers and kill their defenses prior to launching a massive attack. The ancient Galactica barely survives.

Glossing over much of what happened, they barely evade the Cylons and limp off to seek the mythical Earth. Faster than light drive, Cylons that look and feel like humans, a implanted chip that keeps a human traiter under tabs, and a power struggle all stand to make for a very interesting story line.

But I may not watch any more. I like the way it starts, why spoil a good thing.

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