Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sun Feather Hippie Soap

From: Mike Jones
Sent: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 7:44 pm
Subject: My Sun Feather Story

Dear Sandy,

I thought you might enjoy my story of how I found your product.

I was taking a vacation with my wife to South Dakota's Badlands and Yellowstone National Park, driving across South Dakota's I-90. The billboards all advertised Wall Drug, a drugstore in Wall South Dakota that has become a tourist attraction, and somewhat of a mall disguised in an Old West exterior. Most of what they sell there is kitch and other typical tourist fare.

We actually wanted to see the drug store part of Wall Drug, which we found inside of the complex. While my wife was buying some lens cleaner, I found their Sun Feather Soap display, prominently in the middle of the store. I noticed that the soap had a handmade look and there was a Patchouly Hemp variety. When the lady came over to help me, I gave her my mentally rehearsed line: "Is this soap made by real Hippies?"

The shopkeeper did not get the joke. She told me that the soap was made by a lady in New York. After we left, my wife's remark was, "upstate New York - definitely hippies".

By the time I first used the soap we were hundreds of miles away. It was fantastic, and my first regret was that we would not be able to buy any more, because there was no way we were going back to Wall South Dakota just for your soap, no matter how good it was.

The first time I used the soap after we finally got home, I was thinking again about how I would not be able to get the soap again. Then I noticed the little bag in the trash that we got the soap in, and I saw that it had your website on it. That was quite fortuituous.

The only thing that worries me is that the website is so professional looking and the titles of the people on the contact page so impressive, that you have totally blown my fantasy of hippies in upstate New York making this awesome soap. It doesn't matter, it's still good soap.

Mike Jones

From: Sandy Maine
To: Mike Jones
Sent: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 12:32 pm
Subject: RE: My Sun Feather Story

Dear Mike,

Thanks for taking the time to write. I have soft spot in my heart for Wall Drug. I lived In South Dakota as a child and we went there often. It was much smaller then! And the historical photos were not even framed then! I use to ride the taxidermied buffalo and palamino horse which use to be front center but has since been moved to a back court yard. I stopped by to ride them a few years ago. That was back in 1964! Thank God they were still there...however a bit more worn out than I remember them!

Some of we harder working flower children grew up to be quite successful and to change the way food, medicine, education, and even bodycare gets delivered to the market place...most likely our innovative ideas were born through our patchouly and hemp induced states.

If you want to be one of my soap groupies….please sign up for our E Newsletter! I’ll forward you the latest copy.

Sandy Maine
President - CEO

SunFeather Natural Soap Company
1551 State Highway 72 - Potsdam, New York 13676
315-265-3648 ext. 24 - fax: 315-265-2902

Visit for this excellent soap and more

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